Depending on the severity of the accident, an individual might suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that could impair his or her ability to think and function in life. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain or spinal cord injury, call and schedule a free consultation with a traumatic brain injury lawyer in Durham.At Bill Faison Attorney, PLLC, we understand the devastation that can result from serious injuries. A head injury might never fully heal, leading to chronic headaches, violent mood swings or disturbing personality changes. If cognition — the brain’s ability to function — is damaged, an individual might have trouble with memory or performing simple tasks. This can affect the ability to maintain gainful employment, maintain a relationship or lead an independent life. It is our goal to hold the responsible parties accountable for their part in a serious accident, and fight to help you get the money and justice you deserve.
North Carolina Closed Head Injuries Attorney
Whether your head injury was caused by a car accident, work injury or acts of violence, a skilled lawyer can help you recover the money you are owed. We will fully investigate your accident and work with your chosen medical professional to ensure that the appropriate diagnostic tests have been performed. After we gain an understanding of your injuries and how your future will be affected, we will work with the at-fault party’s insurance carrier to arrive at a beneficial settlement. If we cannot negotiate a settlement, we are confident in our ability to represent you in court. Trust us to fight on your behalf every step of the way.